Medicinal Weeds: Properties And Uses NEW
This book, "Medicinal Weeds: Properties and
Uses," provides a detailed description of medicinally significant weeds,
including information about their habitats, distribution, and medicinal uses.
It is mentioned in the book that weeds are fast-growing plants that aid in the
treatment of various ailments, such as diuretics, anthelmintics, and diseases
related to vitamin C deficiency.
The author has included photographs of these weeds
along with their medicinal properties and their meanings in Hindi, making this
information useful for the general public and extension workers. The book is
based on existing research and literature, and the author advises readers to
verify references themselves and avoid self-medication. Additionally, the
author expresses gratitude to his wife, who inspired him to continue writing.
Important Note: The information provided in this book is for informational purposes only and should not be used for self-medication.
Dr. Ravikant R. Upasani
Dr. Ravikant Ram Upasani was born on September 23,
1955, in Chunar, Mirzapur district (Uttar Pradesh). He completed his Bachelors
and Masters degrees in Agriculture at the Agricultural Sciences Institute,
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi (Uttar Pradesh). Since 1982, Dr. Upasani has
been associated with Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, Jharkhand, holding
various positions related to research, teaching, and agricultural extension
work. Since 2006, he has been engaged in research related to weed science in
the All India Weed Research Project at the Indian Council of Agricultural
Research, Ranchi, gaining experience in weed science. The author has published
approximately 80 research articles in national and international journals.
Additionally, he has supervised 6 Ph.D. and 12 M.Sc. (Agriculture) students
under his guidance.
- Abutilon indicum
- Acalypha indica
- Acanthoscirpus asper
- Ageratum conyzoides
- Alternanthera sessilis
- Amaranthus spinosus
- Argemone Mexicana
- Asphodelus tenuifolius
- Asteracantha longifolia (Hydrophila auriculata)
- Bidens pilosa
- Calotropis procera / gigantea
- Cassia occidentalis
- Cassia tora
- Celosia argentea
- Centella asiatica
- Chenopodium album
- Chromolaena odorata
- Cichorium intybus
- Cleome viscosa
- Clitoria ternate
- Cyperus rotundus
- Eclipta indica
- Emilia sonchifolia
- Euphorbia hirta
- Heliotropium indicum
- Hyptis suaveolens
- Imperata cylindrica
- Ipomoea aquatica
- Ipomoea carnea
- Ipomoea pes-caprae
- Lantana camara
- Lucas aspersus
- Ludwigia parviflora
- Mimosa pudica
- Oldenlandia corymbose
- Oxalis corniculate
- Phyllanthus niruri
- Portulaca oleracea
- Rumex acetosella
- Scoparia dulcis (L.)
- Sida rhombifolia
- Solanum surattense
- Solanum xanthocarpum
- Stellaria media
- Taraxacum officinale
- Tephrosia purpurea
- Trianthema portulacastrum
- Tribulus terrestris
- Tridax procumbens
- Vernonia cinerea
- Xanthium strumarium
- Botanical Terminology
- Therapeutic Terms and Related Weeds
Book Details
Medicinal Weeds: Properties And Uses NEW
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