Information Science For Rural Development: 21st Century Perspectives NEW
The canvas covering aspects/areas like Library & Information Science, Extension Education and Rural Development seems apparently different and distinct in nature. These areas having overlapping aspects and components encompass substantially in this book in encyclopedic style.
We are in the ‘Information Age’ where knowledge is a capital resource and information is a primary commodity. The optimum solution that ICT can offer to any undertaking is Knowledge Management (KM) combining organizational dynamics, knowledge engineering and ICT to manage intellectual assets of an organization. ICT addresses the commitments to poverty, lack of access to education and health services, lack of production opportunities and isolation and lack of information.
The coverage of the publication represents the fusion of traditional contents of various disciplines with a number of emerging thoughts relevant to those disciplines. The major disciplines covered in the volume are library science as an interface for agriculture in general and extension education & rural development in particular. This may be treated as a guide book/ hand book/reference book for several purposes for being used by UG and PG students including research scholars. It should also serve as a reference manual for training and management centers like KVKs, ATCs and government departments, cooperatives, banks and NGOs and even management institutes.
Prof. Dasgupta D

TERMS (A to Z)
- Bharat Nirman
- Characteristics of Participatory Technology Development
- CSD Theme Indicator Framework
- Indicators of Sustainable Development
- The Ladder of Sustainable Development
- Resource and Resource Utilization
- Paradigm Shift from Production-led Extension to Market-led Extension
- Expert Systems
- Keywords used to Trace the Subject on Animal Science, Fisheries, Aquaculture, Human Nutrition, Pollution, Agricultural Research, Administration and Legislation etc.
- World Food Prize Laureates (1987-2000)
- World Trade Organization (WTO)
- Flow Chart of Agriculture as an Enterprise
- Kyoto Protocol
- Montreal Protocol
- Riodeclaratoinor Earth Charter
- Stockholm Declaration 1972
- Types of Empowerment
- Confucian Concepts of Empowerment
- Taoistic Concepts of Empowerment
- Buddhist Concepts of Empowerment—The Practice of Zen
- National Policy for The Empowerment of Women (2001)
- The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009
- Right to Information Act, 2005
- The Panchayat – 93rd Amendment
- Modules of e-Panchayat
- Activists and Organisations
- Open Access Resources for Rural Community
- Extension Communication System
- Information System for ITK
- Easy Like Sunday Morning: Talk is Cheap, Show me the cCode: Linux Towards
- Sachar Committee
Book Details
Information Science For Rural Development: 21st Century Perspectives NEW
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